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Jileon Extra Wide Fit Wellies

There's something so special about Autumn, the air seems to smell different and the changing colours make the world seem so magical. When this time of year hits I always like to start taking walks in the nearby woods. I'm very lucky to live in Leicestershire which is renowned for its beautiful countryside and within a ten minute drive from my house there are umpteen gorgeous woodland walks and one of my favourite places Bradgate Park.

If you're going to be wandering around the woods, especially in the Autumn when it can be a bit wet and muddy, you need a good pair of boots or even better a nice pair of wellies to protect your feet and trousers. Not a difficult request you might think, but try finding a pair of wellies to fit a wide calf width and you may find yourself a little scuppered - even if you do find some the chances are they still won't fit which I have found from past experience. You can imagine my intrigue then when I heard about Jileon Extra Wide Calf Wellies which promise to fit a calf size of up to 53cm! 

The wellies come with clever inserts to the inner and outer calf which can be extended or made smaller with a clipped strap so they are completely adjustable to your leg size - isn't that clever? They're made of a good sturdy rubber and have nice grippy textured soles to help stop you slipping in any muddy areas. They are also wide fit on your foot, not just your calf which is an added bones - I went for my normal shoe size so I'll be able to wear them with warm socks in the Winter and they fit just perfectly. The ones I'm wearing here are the Jileon Extra Wide Fit 2 Tone Floral Blue Wellies and they're priced at £54.99* which you might think is a bit pricey but just think how much these have to go through, literally! There are lots of other pretty designs to choose from so if flowers aren't your than just take a peek at the other styles and I'm sure you'll find something that takes your fancy!

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*This post contains items that were gifted for review. For more information head to my disclaimer page.

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