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Divine Designers : Jonathan Adler

It doesn't happen often, but sometimes I get distracted from clothes and get on to a homewares / cookery / furniture kick. This week I've been lusting after pretty decorative things for my home and also some key statement pieces that I'd love to bring into my house to mix it up a bit. There are a few designers that I always head straight for when I'm looking for beautiful but unusual pieces and one of them is the lovely Jonathan Adler. I think I first found out about Jonathan when I spotted some of his gorgeous stripey canisters somewhere on a Beetlejuice-esque photo shoot and had to hunt them down. Sadly I don't own any yet but perhaps one day... perhaps...

You can't beat a good pretty random object to brighten up a sideboard or a mantelpiece. Mine are covered mostly with old lovely things that I've found at vintage fairs but I do like to throw in the odd modern piece to add an extra spark - that's my thing after all, classic but quirky. A nice bowl to fill with jewellery or pop your keys in is always a good thing to add to your hall table and if you get one with an unusual design it adds intrigue as soon as you step into your home - this Muse Bowl will do just that. If you wanted to creep people out a bit why not also add this delightful Eyelashes Canister? Have a favourite hat or hair piece you'd like to display a little more elegantly? Then grab yourself this Madame Head Form and don't forget to pop this unbelievably beautiful Muse D'or Candle next to it to make your dressing table really special.

I mentioned statement pieces and to me the ultimate statement piece will always be a fabulous home bar. We've fancied a globe shaped one for some time but I keep seeing them in swanky bars and other people's homes now so I've been hunting for something a little more uncommon and I think I found the perfect thing in this Delphine Mirrored Bar. I adore the mirrored exterior, the gold detailing and frame base and the pale blue interior is just darling. If anyone has a spare 3k let me know, I promise I'll make you a cocktail.

So, being a little more realistic it's unlikely I'll have a three grand home bar in my living room within the next decade, but I might be able to swing a pretty cocktail tray table. I love the golden bamboo style legs of this Meurice Butlet Tray Table, it's so kitsch 1950's tiki bar brought up to date. Of course, I need a beautiful chair to sip my yummy cocktail in and a pale purple one like this Haines Chair in Canterbury Amethyst will go perfectly with my blonde locks and golden maxi dresses that I swan about in at home. Ahem, I wish.

Finally, an odd vase or candlestick will always be something I gravitate to and as I think the female form is so beautiful I just can't resist the Luciana Vase and the Edie Vase. Some of you may also know that I have a big thing for hand ornaments and jewellery. I have a lot of vintage pieces but have never found a modern rendition that I like, until I spotted these amazing Eve Candleholder which I am dying to put on my bedside table.

Do you have any favourite interior designers? Please do share I love to find new designers to add to my love list!

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