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Today I need something beautiful

The melancholies. I get a severe case of them at least a few times a month, even if there's no reason I can think of for it. I have done ever since I was little and as I've grown older I've realised that in order to cheer myself up I need to do a few things - spend some quality time with my guy, eat a delicious baked good, listen to some music that makes me feel like a badass, do my hair up nice an put on some lipstick. The final thing I need to do is look at something inspiring and to me that means looking at photographs of beautiful glamorous women and dream that one day I might be that chic and elegant and seemingly perfect. Sure it might seem weird but hey, pretty things make me happy.

Here are a few selection images from my collection, some modern and others dating back as far as the 1920's. Unfortunately as I just save these pics to my hard drive I don't have links or info to credit them, however if you can let me know the details of any of the pictures please do so I can add a link back!

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