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Sephora Wish List

I know I'm not the only one who was incredibly excited when Sephora started shipping to the UK earlier this year, but it does seem like I'm the only one that hasn't placed an order yet! My year has filled up pretty fast and so sadly all my spare money is being saved, but as it's my birthday in October I'm hoping I'll get to place an order with some of my birthday money. In the mean time I'll just dream of all that beautiful make up and try to cut down my wish list to make it a more purse friendly! 

Wonderchilde  -  Sexer  -  Bauhua5

Singularity  -  Discovery  -  Ambitious

Have you placed a Sephora order yet? Do you have any stand out products from them that you'll definitely be buying again? I just love the Kat Von D collections - I now have three palettes, three lipsticks, two eye primers and an eye pencil and I can't wait to try some more pieces from her line! 

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