
Favourite Films - Blade Runner (1982)

My first Favourite Films post just had to be Blade Runner. I've loved this film from a young age when I watched it with my Dad and was instantly drawn in by the beautiful costumes, dramatic and thought provoking storyline and incredible futuristic city scapes that are as innovative as they were back in 1982 (five years before I was born!). It is a prime example of neo-noir cinema as it blends typical traits of film noir with more modern themes in both its content and cinematography.

The film is loosely based on the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick which I am yet to read. In all honesty I am not sure I would be as engaged in the story without the striking visuals of the film, but it is still on my to read list for the year. 

Even though I know Blade Runner is now concidered a 'cult classic' I am still surprised when I meet people who are as enamoured with it as I am. I think this is part of growing older, one of the things that you adored so much as a child that you almost believed you were the only one who knew about it. My media teacher at school showed us a clip in my first GCSE lesson and when I told him how much I loved it he recited Rutger Hauer's final speech from the movie to me - I knew then that this was a guy I could learn from and look up to. I only just found this out but the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry in the early 90's for being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant". How wonderful!

This is Pris one of the most famous characters from the film, played by Daryl Hannah. My mum and I were always enamoured with how she sprayed jet black makeup over her eyes. I think Pris was a big influence on my fashion tastes when I was younger and far more daring than I am now!

Rutger Hauer and Harrison Ford play the two lead characters Roy and Deckard and both play the roles so so well, you can't help both loving and hating them. Roy's final speech on a dark rainy rooftop is in my opinion one of the greatest moments in cinema.

But it is the character of Rachel that I most identified with, so bold yet so melancholy. I loved her futuristic 1940's-esque styling and her dramatic doe eyes and bow lips - Sean Young the actress that played the role is absolutely stunning. I have always had a fascination with imagery that encompasses both sadness and beauty, and Rachel is the epitimy of such a state.

The gradiant striped grey suit was the piece I loved the most from the Hollywood Costume exhibition at the V&A that I attended in January. Such wonderful detail was put into all the pieces - just look at the art deco style patterns shaved into Rachel's fur coat above. It's no wonder that Charles Knode & Michael Kaplan won a BAFTA for the costume design in the film. Once again it is easy to see how my future style choices would be influenced by Blade Runner showing in my love for vintage glamour, dramatic make-up and tailored clothing.

I love this Polaroid taken behind the scenes during the making of the film

If you have the opportunity please watch it, I would recommend the director's cut over the original theatrical version but there is quite a bit of controversy over it so you may be better watching both and deciding for yourself!

I would love to hear your opinions if you do decide to give it a go, it does seem to divide opinion somewhat!