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Butterfly Up-Do For The Jubilee

butterflies, hair, up-do, vintage, blonde, jubilee

So not the best photos in the world, but I thought I'd just share a few pics of how I've done my hair for the Jubilee party we're going to later. I'm taking little individual servings of rhubarb and ginger crumble parfait in red spotted cups with little union jack flags for decoration. Any excuse to theme a pudding.

back, tattoo, butterflies, roses, butterfly, jayne doe, tiny miss becca, up-do

I think the hair clips go rather well with my back piece too! Sorry again for the awful photos and the bathroom rubbish in the background, it's the only place in my little terrace that I can get good natural light indoors. My shiny new camera will be here soon huzzah!

butterflies, hair, up-do, vintage, blonde, jubilee

The sweet little butterfly clips are from Primark and were only £1 each, they're made from painted feathers. My hair is looking a bit lilac at the moment as I left my purple shampoo in a tad too long yesterday. I do wish I could actually dye it pale lilac, but I don't think work would appreciate it.

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